We are Solid.
Solid Sustainability Research conducts independent research and develops tools to present complex ideas in a clear way.
Our work
Do you have what it takes to run a fossil fuel multinational?
We have created a ‘choose your own adventure’ browser game, and are looking for funds to further develop it.
You, the player, take over the operations of a big fossil-fuel multinational. You have mines and boreholes everywhere, supply to the whole world, and employ thousands of people. Your goal is to make a profit and keep the company’s share price up to keep shareholders happy. You are confronted with crises and difficult decisions. Is it possible to do good and keep your shareholders happy? You learn the consequences of your choices for the environment and the local people at extraction sites, and also for the company’s share price and your shareholders. The player learns that with the current system of shareholder capitalism, there are not enough incentives to do the right thing.